Saturday 3 September 2011

BODYGUARD Salman beats DABANGG Salman!

The last two Eids have been superb for Salman Khan through WANTED and DABANGG and this year seems to be even bigger. While the gigantic opening of BODYGUARD was a foregone conclusion no one had expected it to be so huge.
In fact BODYGUARD has smashed the opening day record of Salman's 14.50 crore DABANGG by about 5-6 crore. It will be interesting to see if BODYGUARD has also demolished the best ever first day record of DABANGG which stands at 18.50 crore.
Even in the Gulf state of Dubai, BODYGUARD has blown away DABANGG's 7 lakh dirhams record by collecting 11 lakh dirhams, as per early reports.
With the Ganesh Chaturthy festival adding to the weekend, the film can touch a whopping 80-85 crore in just 5 days which may again be more than DABANGG's first week record of 80.75 crore.

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